Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Division of Labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Division of Labor - Essay Example The role of people at a different level are labor specific and conform to the specified exchange of service that is needed to perform at that level therefore what is being exchanged becomes more important to who is exchanging. The social division of labor is characterized by complexities in the social hierarchy and traditions in any cultural production that is focused towards development and often results in conflicts. These conflicts basically comprise of developmental issues and ideological contradictions which arise due to disparate social exchanges, promoting social stratification on the basis of class, race, and culture. Within a wider spectrum of social issues which focus on division of labor, conflicts arise because of varying interests of the state and individual during cultural production in a developmental process. Cultural production signifies construction of collective identities on the basis of cultural diversification and therefore, the platform that promotes this production stresses the importance of the technical division of labor that emphasizes the specialized type of labor inputs, required for the different level of production. The technical division of labor, therefore, has become more job specific and highly skilled. The rapid globalization and technological advancement of the recent time have greatly revolutionized the labor processes. With the advent of technology, the collective production has become more complex. There is a significant paradigm shift in the technical division of labor from direct to indirect model that is focused on regulation, administration, improvement, and innovation to meet the challenges of the changing time.

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